Our Story

At Shaadi.Pix, our story is one that revolves around love, passion, and the art of capturing timeless moments. It all began with a shared dream of two photography enthusiasts who fell in love and decided to embark on a journey together, capturing the essence of love stories through their lenses.

Our founders, Pankaj & Raman started Shaadi.Pix

with a deep commitment to creating breathtaking visuals that would not only reflect the beauty of the moment but also evoke the emotions felt during those cherished times. Each wedding they photographed became a unique journey, and they became storytellers, weaving narratives through their lens, capturing the subtle glances, heartfelt smiles, and the essence of love that lingered in the air.

Our Passion

Passion is the heartbeat of Shaadi.Pix. We believe that passion is what sets apart good photographers from extraordinary artists. Our team comprises a group of talented individuals who share an unyielding love for their craft. We are artists at heart, and photography is our medium to express the beauty we see in the world.

Our Philosophy

We believe in authenticity above all else. We strive to capture the genuine emotions and candid moments that make each wedding unique. Our approach is unobtrusive, allowing the natural beauty of the occasion to shine through, while we discreetly work our magic from behind the lens. We value the connection we build with our clients, understanding that every couple has their own beautiful love story to tell. We take the time to know them personally, to understand their personalities, preferences, and what makes their love special